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Are you a Champion? 

Your greatness is needed to change the course of the community! You and your organization can change the lives of people in need! Become a Champion level sponsor!! Your contribution will improve the health and wellness of your community, save lives, support families, improve health literacy and decrease health disparities. Champions for Health Literacy is an annual philanthropic sponsorship that supports the day to day operations of RNovations Health so that WE (together) can continue to meet the needs of the community. This level of support comes with free 1 year membership to RNO, invitation to events, free admission to RNovations Health events for the support year for you and a loved one, verbal recognition and ‘special thanks’ at every event during the support year, company logo/name on all materials for a year, entity mentioned on all advertisements the one year period, all the benefits afforded Associate - Project Sponsor levels, project results and presentation of annual report for the support year.

Champion Sponsorship = $20,000.00

*** All promotional materials must be reviewed by RNovations Heatlh prior to inclusion***

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